Who are we?

About Us

Friends of our world is a community group founded in Blackpool UK reaching out to the world to analyse and seek positive solutions to the climate and biodiversity emergency.

The climate and biodiversity issues are all around for us to see, no one can ignore the fact that in recent years we have witnessed extreme weather phenomena, frequent periods of unusual heat, drought, sudden losses of fauna and wildlife and other cries of protest.
Big business’s prioritise short term profit over long term climate and biodiversity safety, big businesses encourage a globalised system of trade that pollutes one part of the world to the next by fossil fuel usage in China and India to manufacture goods then the goods are transported half way around the world where the same big businesses encourage a lifestyle focused on consumption. Foow seeks to transition the globalised economy within the next 5 to 10 years to a more localised system of production and consumption in a sustainable circular economy.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.



  • Put utilities, electric, gas and water into public ownership to reduce bills. 
  • Examine supermarket food and fuel prices and see where costs can be reduced 

• Immediate cessation of fossil fuel powered station building. 

• Immediate mass production of solar panels and distribution of them plus start work on nuclear and hydrogen powers. 

• Immediate development of tidal power in Morecombe Bay and Ribble estuary in the UK and other major bays and coasts around the world 

• Develop hydrogen power for cars and vehicles. 

• Grow more food locally and reduce imports from halfway around the world.

• Start building upwards within the suburban areas to help with housing, stop building on green belt sites. 

• End beef consumption from Brazil to stop deforesting the amazon. Consume local beef, chicken and lamb only. 

• Educate on the benefits of plant-based foods and encourage the consumption of it 

• Support workers within the industries closed by the transition and help them find other work.

Local issues can be decided by community voting 1 person 1 vote.


Our Goals